• Manufacturing

  • Teplocom Hungaria is a well-known producer of equipment for sugar and other food industry. We can manufacture the stuff you need – it’s our motto which means that we can construct a lotaccording to the order.

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  • Restoration

  • We are experienced inthe restorationof the industrial machinery and equipment used in the sugar producing processes. We are saving your money and time.

  • Modernization

  • We are also orientated on expansion of existing capacity, modernization based on individual needs. We can meet your request. Optimization and increasing efficiency are our main goals. Technical solutions, worked out by "Teplocom Hungaria", are aimed at decrease of financial and power consumption expenses, improvement of process showings of the enterprises of food industry, increase of productivity and, therefore, at increase of production efficiency. We propose full spectrum of technical services for all departments of the plant.
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About Teplocom Hungaria

  • Our main business is manufacturing of food processing equipment. Engineers and engineering design make the profile for our production.

    Knowledge and experience of our employees, our suppliers and our partners ensure that the tasks can be done properly.

    We manufacture, sale, give warranty and service you need.
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